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randomUuid() - Static method in interface ratpack.core.handling.RequestId.Generator
Generates IDs based of a random UUID.
RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE - Static variable in interface ratpack.core.http.Status
The 416 status code.
rateUnit(TimeUnit) - Method in class ratpack.dropwizard.metrics.GraphiteConfig
Convert rates to the given time unit.
rateUnit(TimeUnit) - Method in class ratpack.dropwizard.metrics.Slf4jConfig
Convert rates to the given time unit.
ratpack(Closure<?>) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy
Starts a Ratpack app, defined by the given closure.
ratpack(Closure<?>) - Static method in interface ratpack.groovy.test.embed.GroovyEmbeddedApp
Creates an EmbeddedApp from the provided closure delegating to Groovy.Ratpack.
RATPACK_METRIC_REGISTRY - Static variable in class ratpack.dropwizard.metrics.DropwizardMetricsModule
ratpack.config - package ratpack.config
Provides the ability to access configuration data from a variety of sources, such as YAML, JSON, properties files, system properties, and environment variables.
ratpack.consul - package ratpack.consul
Support for integrating Ratpack applications with Hashicorp's Consul service discovery and distributed configuration engine.
ratpack.core.bytebuf - package ratpack.core.bytebuf
ratpack.core.error - package ratpack.core.error
Types that deal with handling application errors.
ratpack.core.file - package ratpack.core.file
Types for dealing with the file system and serving files.
ratpack.core.form - package ratpack.core.form
Support for handling uploaded forms, including file uploads.
ratpack.core.handling - package ratpack.core.handling
The handling of application requests.
ratpack.core.handling.direct - package ratpack.core.handling.direct
Low level direct access to the underlying Netty internals.
ratpack.core.health - package ratpack.core.health
Health checks report on the status of key components in the system and are generally used for monitoring and reporting.
ratpack.core.http - package ratpack.core.http
The HTTP protocol.
ratpack.core.http.client - package ratpack.core.http.client
The HTTP client.
ratpack.core.impose - package ratpack.core.impose
ratpack.core.jackson - package ratpack.core.jackson
Integration with the Jackson JSON marshalling library.
ratpack.core.logging - package ratpack.core.logging
Utility classes for integration Ratpack with various logging frameworks.
ratpack.core.parse - package ratpack.core.parse
Parsing in Ratpack refers to deserializing a request body into a Java object of some type.
ratpack.core.path - package ratpack.core.path
Types for managing the paths of requests inside the application.
ratpack.core.render - package ratpack.core.render
The renderer framework provides a pluggable mechanism for serializing objects to the response.
ratpack.core.server - package ratpack.core.server
Objects used to start a ratpack application.
ratpack.core.service - package ratpack.core.service
Services participate in the application start/stop lifecycle.
ratpack.core.sse - package ratpack.core.sse
Support for Server Sent Events.
ratpack.core.sse.client - package ratpack.core.sse.client
ratpack.core.websocket - package ratpack.core.websocket
Support for Websockets.
ratpack.dropwizard.metrics - package ratpack.dropwizard.metrics
Integration with Dropwizard Metrics Library.
ratpack.exec - package ratpack.exec
The execution management.
ratpack.exec.api - package ratpack.exec.api
ratpack.exec.registry - package ratpack.exec.registry
Registries hold objects that can be retrieved via type, and are a key aspect of Ratpack applications.
ratpack.exec.stream - package ratpack.exec.stream
Support for reactive streams.
ratpack.exec.stream.bytebuf - package ratpack.exec.stream.bytebuf
ratpack.exec.util - package ratpack.exec.util
ratpack.exec.util.retry - package ratpack.exec.util.retry
ratpack.func - package ratpack.func
ratpack.groovy - package ratpack.groovy
Support for writing Ratpack applications in the Groovy programming language.
ratpack.groovy.handling - package ratpack.groovy.handling
Groovy specific extensions to classes in the ratpack.core.handling package.
ratpack.groovy.render - package ratpack.groovy.render
Specialised Groovy support for rendering.
ratpack.groovy.script - package ratpack.groovy.script
Classes for handling Ratpack Groovy scripts.
ratpack.groovy.server - package ratpack.groovy.server
Groovy implementations of the Ratpack server building classes.
ratpack.groovy.sql - package ratpack.groovy.sql
Support for providing Groovy's Sql interface.
ratpack.groovy.template - package ratpack.groovy.template
Support for templating based on embedded Groovy code in text.
ratpack.groovy.test - package ratpack.groovy.test
ratpack.groovy.test.embed - package ratpack.groovy.test.embed
Support for creating Groovy based embedded applications.
ratpack.groovy.test.handling - package ratpack.groovy.test.handling
ratpack.gson - package ratpack.gson
Provides integration with Google Gson for JSON parsing and rendering.
ratpack.guice - package ratpack.guice
Integration with Google Guice.
ratpack.h2 - package ratpack.h2
Provides integration with H2.
ratpack.handlebars - package ratpack.handlebars
Integration with Handlebars.java templating engine.
ratpack.hikari - package ratpack.hikari
Provides integration with HikariCP library.
ratpack.jdbctx - package ratpack.jdbctx
ratpack.newrelic - package ratpack.newrelic
Provides integration with New Relic.
ratpack.reactor - package ratpack.reactor
Provides integration with the Project Reactor library.
ratpack.retrofit - package ratpack.retrofit
Integration with Retrofit.
ratpack.rocker - package ratpack.rocker
Support for Rocker templates.
ratpack.rx2 - package ratpack.rx2
Provides integration with the RxJava library.
ratpack.session - package ratpack.session
Objects for providing Session support.
ratpack.session.clientside - package ratpack.session.clientside
Support for Client Side Session.
ratpack.session.serialization.kryo - package ratpack.session.serialization.kryo
ratpack.session.store - package ratpack.session.store
Provide a SessionStore implementation backed by Redis.
ratpack.spring - package ratpack.spring
Provides integration with Spring Boot.
ratpack.spring.config - package ratpack.spring.config
ratpack.test - package ratpack.test
Fixtures used for testing Ratpack applications (see ApplicationUnderTest).
ratpack.test.embed - package ratpack.test.embed
Support for creating embedded applications at test time, for testing Ratpack features and extensions.
ratpack.test.exec - package ratpack.test.exec
Test fixtures for executing and evaluating Promise and Operation outside of a server instance.
ratpack.test.handling - package ratpack.test.handling
Test fixtures for exercising Handler implementations without start a full EmbeddedApp.
ratpack.test.http - package ratpack.test.http
Test fixtures that provide HTTP client interfaces to applications under test.
ratpack.test.mock - package ratpack.test.mock
Support for creating mocks for remote APIs.
ratpack.thymeleaf3 - package ratpack.thymeleaf3
Integration with Thymeleaf templating engine.
RatpackConfiguration - Class in ratpack.spring.config
RatpackConfiguration() - Constructor for class ratpack.spring.config.RatpackConfiguration
RatpackConfiguration.ServerConfigConfiguration - Class in ratpack.spring.config
RatpackConfiguration.ServerConfiguration - Class in ratpack.spring.config
RatpackConsulConfig - Interface in ratpack.consul
Integration for retrieving values from a Consul Key-Value store as ByteSource to be used with the existing ServerConfigBuilder parsing options.
RatpackProperties - Class in ratpack.spring.config
RatpackProperties() - Constructor for class ratpack.spring.config.RatpackProperties
RatpackRetrofit - Class in ratpack.retrofit
Builder for providing integration of Retrofit2 with Ratpack's HttpClient.
RatpackRetrofit() - Constructor for class ratpack.retrofit.RatpackRetrofit
RatpackRetrofit.Builder - Class in ratpack.retrofit
RatpackRetrofitCallException - Exception in ratpack.retrofit
Exception throw from Retrofit clients when using simple types instead of Response and the request is not successful.
RatpackRetrofitCallException(Request, Response<?>) - Constructor for exception ratpack.retrofit.RatpackRetrofitCallException
Create a wrapped Retrofit exception.
ratpackServer(ApplicationContext) - Method in class ratpack.spring.config.RatpackConfiguration.ServerConfiguration
RatpackServer - Interface in ratpack.core.server
The entry point for creating and starting a Ratpack application.
ratpackServerConfig() - Method in class ratpack.spring.config.RatpackConfiguration.ServerConfigConfiguration
RatpackServerCustomizer - Interface in ratpack.spring.config
RatpackServerCustomizerAdapter - Class in ratpack.spring.config
RatpackServerCustomizerAdapter() - Constructor for class ratpack.spring.config.RatpackServerCustomizerAdapter
RatpackServerSpec - Interface in ratpack.core.server
A buildable specification of a Ratpack server.
RatpackVersion - Class in ratpack.exec.util
Provides the version of the Ratpack core at runtime.
ReactorRatpack - Class in ratpack.reactor
Provides integration with Project Reactor.
read(Promise<? extends AsynchronousFileChannel>, ByteBufAllocator, int) - Static method in class ratpack.core.file.FileIo
Read the contents of a file from the given start until the given stop.
read(Promise<? extends AsynchronousFileChannel>, ByteBufAllocator, int, long, long) - Static method in class ratpack.core.file.FileIo
Read the contents of a file.
read(Promise<T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.ReadWriteAccess
Decorates the given promise with read serialization.
read(Promise<T>, Duration) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.ReadWriteAccess
Decorates the given promise with read serialization and the given timeout.
readableBytes() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readBoolean() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readByte() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readBytes(byte[]) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readBytes(int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readBytes(ByteBuf) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readBytes(ByteBuf, int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readBytes(ByteBuf, int, int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readBytes(OutputStream, int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readBytes(ByteBuffer) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readBytes(FileChannel, long, int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readBytes(GatheringByteChannel, int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readChar() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readCharSequence(int, Charset) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readDouble() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readDoubleLE() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readerIndex() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readerIndex(int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readFloat() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readFloatLE() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readInt() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readIntLE() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readLong() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readLongLE() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readMedium() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readMediumLE() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readRetainedSlice(int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readShort() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readShortLE() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readSlice(int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readStream(Promise<? extends AsynchronousFileChannel>, ByteBufAllocator, int) - Static method in class ratpack.core.file.FileIo
Streams the entire contents of a file.
readStream(Promise<? extends AsynchronousFileChannel>, ByteBufAllocator, int, long, long) - Static method in class ratpack.core.file.FileIo
Streams the contents of a file.
readText(Path, Charset) - Static method in class ratpack.func.Paths2
readTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.client.HttpClientSpec
The read timeout value for responses.
readTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.client.RequestSpec
Sets the socket read timeout.
readUnsignedByte() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readUnsignedInt() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readUnsignedIntLE() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readUnsignedMedium() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readUnsignedMediumLE() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readUnsignedShort() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
readUnsignedShortLE() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
ReadWriteAccess - Interface in ratpack.exec.util
Provides read/write serialization, analogous to ReadWriteLock.
ReadWriteAccess.TimeoutException - Exception in ratpack.exec.util
Thrown if access could not be acquired within the given timeout value.
receive(Request) - Method in interface ratpack.test.handling.HandlerFactory
receiveBufferSize(int) - Method in interface ratpack.core.server.ServerConfigBuilder
ReceivedResponse - Interface in ratpack.core.http.client
redirect(int, Object) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Context
Sends a redirect response to the given location, and with the given status code.
redirect(int, String) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Chain
Sends an HTTP redirect to the specified location.
redirect(int, String) - Static method in class ratpack.core.handling.Handlers
Creates a handler that always issues a redirect using Context.redirect(int, Object) with exactly the given code and location.
redirect(int, String) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Sends an HTTP redirect to the specified location.
redirect(Object) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Context
Sends a temporary redirect response (i.e.
redirect(Context, int, Object) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Redirector
Issues a HTTP redirect response, transforming the given to value into a value for the Location header.
Redirector - Interface in ratpack.core.handling
Interprets objects as a Location header value, and issues the redirect response.
redirects(int) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.client.RequestSpec
The maximum number of redirects to automatically follow, before simply returning the redirect response.
RedisSessionModule - Class in ratpack.session.store
An extension module that provides a redis backed session store.
RedisSessionModule() - Constructor for class ratpack.session.store.RedisSessionModule
RedisSessionModule.Config - Class in ratpack.session.store
Configuration for Redis Session Storage.
reduce(Publisher<T>, R, BiFunction<? super R, ? super T, ? extends R>) - Static method in class ratpack.exec.stream.Streams
Reduces the stream to a single value, by applying the given function successively.
reduce(R, BiFunction<? super R, ? super T, ? extends R>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.stream.TransformablePublisher
Reduces the stream to a single value, by applying the given function successively.
refCnt() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
register() - Method in interface ratpack.core.render.RenderableDecorator
A registration action, typically used with RegistrySpec.with(Action).
register(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
register(Registry) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Chain
Makes the contents of the given registry available for downstream handlers of the same nesting level.
register(Registry) - Static method in class ratpack.core.handling.Handlers
A handler that simply calls Context.next(Registry) with the given registry.
register(Registry) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Makes the contents of the given registry available for downstream handlers of the same nesting level.
register(Registry, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
register(Registry, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Chain
register(Registry, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
register(Registry, Handler) - Static method in class ratpack.core.handling.Handlers
A handler that simply calls Context.insert(Registry, Handler...) with the given registry and handler.
register(Registry, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Chain
Adds a handler that inserts the given handler chain with the given registry via Context.insert(Registry, Handler...).
register(Registry, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Adds a handler that inserts the given handler chain with the given registry via Context.insert(Registry, Handler...).
register(Action<? super RegistrySpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Chain
Builds a new registry via the given action, then registers it via Chain.register(Registry).
register(Action<? super RegistrySpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecSpec
Populates the execution's registry.
register(Action<? super RegistrySpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecStarter
Populates the execution's registry.
register(Action<? super RegistrySpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Builds a new registry via the given action, then registers it via Chain.register(Registry).
register(Action<? super RegistrySpec>, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
register(Action<? super RegistrySpec>, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Chain
register(Action<? super RegistrySpec>, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
register(Action<? super RegistrySpec>, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Chain
Adds a handler that inserts the given handler chain with a registry built by the given action via Context.insert(Registry, Handler...).
register(Action<? super RegistrySpec>, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Adds a handler that inserts the given handler chain with a registry built by the given action via Context.insert(Registry, Handler...).
registerShutdownHook(boolean) - Method in interface ratpack.core.server.ServerConfigBuilder
Whether or not to register a JVM shutdown hook to gracefully stop the server.
registry(Injector) - Static method in class ratpack.guice.Guice
Creates a Ratpack Registry backed by the given Injector that will NOT create objects via “just-in-time” binding.
registry(Injector, Action<? super BindingsSpec>) - Static method in class ratpack.guice.Guice
registry(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.test.handling.GroovyRequestFixture
A closure friendly overload of GroovyRequestFixture.registry(Action).
registry(Registry) - Method in interface ratpack.core.server.RatpackServerSpec
Sets the user registry to exactly the given registry.
registry(Action<? super RegistrySpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.test.handling.GroovyRequestFixture
Configures the context registry.
registry(Action<? super RegistrySpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.test.handling.RequestFixture
Configures the context registry.
registry(Action<? super BindingsSpec>) - Static method in class ratpack.guice.Guice
registry(Function<? super Registry, ? extends Registry>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.server.RatpackServerSpec
Sets the user registry as the return value of the given function.
registry(Function<? super Registry, ? extends Registry>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.server.GroovyRatpackServerSpec
Registry - Interface in ratpack.exec.registry
An object registry.
RegistryBacking - Interface in ratpack.exec.registry
Provides instances to the Registry implementation which uses an implementation of this interface for backing the instances that the Registry contains or returns.
RegistryBuilder - Interface in ratpack.exec.registry
A builder of registries.
registryOf(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.server.GroovyRatpackServerSpec
registryOf(Action<? super RegistrySpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.server.RatpackServerSpec
Builds the user registry via the given spec action.
RegistrySpec - Interface in ratpack.exec.registry
An additive specification of a registry.
release() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
release(int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
reload() - Method in interface ratpack.core.server.RatpackServer
Reloads the server from its definition function.
reloadable(boolean) - Method in class ratpack.handlebars.HandlebarsModule.Config
ReloadInformant - Interface in ratpack.core.server
Informs when the server should be reloaded, during development.
remoteAddress(HostAndPort) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.test.handling.GroovyRequestFixture
Set the remote address from which the request is made.
remoteAddress(HostAndPort) - Method in interface ratpack.test.handling.RequestFixture
Set the remote address from which the request is made.
remove(TypeToken<T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.registry.MutableRegistry
Remove the registration for the given type.
remove(AsciiString) - Method in interface ratpack.session.SessionStore
Removes the session data for the given id.
remove(CharSequence) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.MutableHeaders
Removes the header with the specified name.
remove(Class<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.session.Session
A convenience shorthand for SessionData.remove(Class).
remove(Class<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.session.SessionData
Removes the object with the given type and no name, if it exists.
remove(Class<T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.registry.MutableRegistry
Remove the registration for the given type.
remove(Object) - Method in interface ratpack.func.MultiValueMap
remove(String) - Method in interface ratpack.session.Session
A convenience shorthand for SessionData.remove(String).
remove(String) - Method in interface ratpack.session.SessionData
Removes the object with the name, if it exists.
remove(SessionKey<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.session.Session
A convenience shorthand for SessionData.remove(SessionKey).
remove(SessionKey<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.session.SessionData
Removes the object with the given key, if it exists.
render(Object) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Context
Render the given object, using the rendering framework.
render(String) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplateScript
Renders a nested template inline, using the same model as this template.
render(Map<String, ?>, String) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.template.TextTemplateScript
Renders a nested template inline, with the given model merged with the current template model.
render(Context) - Method in class ratpack.core.http.ResponseChunks
Render this object to the response.
render(Context) - Method in interface ratpack.core.render.Renderable
Render this object to the response.
render(Context) - Method in class ratpack.core.sse.ServerSentEvents
Render this object to the response.
render(Context) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.template.Markup
render(Context, T) - Method in interface ratpack.core.render.Renderer
Render the given object to the response.
render(Context, T) - Method in class ratpack.core.render.RendererSupport
Render the given object to the response.
render(Context, T) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.render.GroovyRendererSupport
Delegates to GroovyRendererSupport.render(GroovyContext, Object), wrapping the given context in a GroovyContext.
render(GroovyContext, T) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.render.GroovyRendererSupport
Renders the given object to the context.
Renderable - Interface in ratpack.core.render
A renderable object, that can be given to Context.render(Object).
RenderableDecorator<T> - Interface in ratpack.core.render
Decorates an object before it is rendered.
RenderableDecoratorSupport<T> - Class in ratpack.core.render
A convenience base class for RenderableDecorator implementations.
RenderableDecoratorSupport() - Constructor for class ratpack.core.render.RenderableDecoratorSupport
rendered(Class<T>) - Method in interface ratpack.test.handling.HandlingResult
The object that was rendered to the response.
Renderer<T> - Interface in ratpack.core.render
A renderer is responsible for rendering an object to the response.
RendererException - Exception in ratpack.core.render
Wraps an exception thrown by a renderer while rendering.
RendererException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ratpack.core.render.RendererException
RendererException(Renderer<?>, Object, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ratpack.core.render.RendererException
RendererSupport<T> - Class in ratpack.core.render
A Renderer super class that provides a RendererSupport.getType() implementation based on the generic type of the impl.
RendererSupport() - Constructor for class ratpack.core.render.RendererSupport
RenderException - Exception in ratpack.core.render
A generic super type for exceptions indicate something when wrong for a render operation.
RenderException(String) - Constructor for exception ratpack.core.render.RenderException
RenderException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception ratpack.core.render.RenderException
replace(Promise<O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Replaces this promise with the provided promise for downstream subscribers.
reportDirectory(File) - Method in class ratpack.dropwizard.metrics.CsvConfig
Configure the output directory for csv metrics reports.
ReporterConfigSupport<T extends ReporterConfigSupport<T>> - Class in ratpack.dropwizard.metrics
A common base for reporter config classes.
ReporterConfigSupport() - Constructor for class ratpack.dropwizard.metrics.ReporterConfigSupport
reporterInterval(Duration) - Method in class ratpack.dropwizard.metrics.ScheduledReporterConfigSupport
Configure the interval between metrics reports.
request(String, Action<? super RequestSpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.test.http.TestHttpClient
Executes the request as specified by the provided RequestSpec against the provided path.
request(URI) - Method in interface ratpack.core.sse.client.ServerSentEventClient
Makes a request for an event stream to the given location.
request(URI, Action<? super RequestSpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.client.HttpClient
An asynchronous method to do a HTTP request, the URL and all details of the request are configured by the Action acting on the RequestSpec.
request(URI, Action<? super RequestSpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.sse.client.ServerSentEventClient
Makes a request for an event stream to the given location.
request(Action<? super RequestSpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.test.http.TestHttpClient
Executes the request as specified by the provided RequestSpec.
Request - Interface in ratpack.core.http
A request to be handled.
REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface ratpack.core.http.Status
The 408 status code.
RequestBodyAlreadyReadException - Exception in ratpack.core.http
Thrown when an attempt is made to read the request body when it has already been read.
RequestBodyAlreadyReadException() - Constructor for exception ratpack.core.http.RequestBodyAlreadyReadException
RequestBodyAlreadyReadException(String) - Constructor for exception ratpack.core.http.RequestBodyAlreadyReadException
RequestBodyTooLargeException - Exception in ratpack.core.http
RequestBodyTooLargeException(long, long) - Constructor for exception ratpack.core.http.RequestBodyTooLargeException
requestFixture() - Static method in interface ratpack.groovy.test.handling.GroovyRequestFixture
Create a Groovy request fixture, for unit testing a Handler.
requestFixture() - Static method in interface ratpack.test.handling.RequestFixture
Create a request fixture, for unit testing of handlers.
requestFixture(RequestFixture) - Static method in interface ratpack.groovy.test.handling.GroovyRequestFixture
Create a Groovy request fixture, for unit testing a Handler, by wrapping the given RequestFixture.
RequestFixture - Interface in ratpack.test.handling
A contrived request environment, suitable for unit testing Handler implementations.
RequestId - Interface in ratpack.core.handling
An opaque identifier for the request.
RequestId.Generator - Interface in ratpack.core.handling
Generates, or assigns, an ID for requests.
requestIntercept(Action<? super RequestSpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.client.HttpClientSpec
Add an interceptor for all requests handled by this client.
RequestLogger - Interface in ratpack.core.handling
A handler that logs information about the request.
requestMetricGroups(Map<String, String>) - Method in class ratpack.dropwizard.metrics.DropwizardMetricsConfig
Configure the request metric groups.
RequestOutcome - Interface in ratpack.core.handling
The outcome of processing a request.
RequestScoped - Annotation Type in ratpack.guice
requestSpec(Action<? super RequestSpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.test.http.TestHttpClient
Configure the settings for outgoing requests from this client.
RequestSpec - Interface in ratpack.core.http.client
RequestSpec.Body - Interface in ratpack.core.http.client
The request body.
requestStream(URI, Action<? super RequestSpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.client.HttpClient
An asynchronous method to do a HTTP request, the URL and all details of the request are configured by the Action acting on the RequestSpec, the received response content will be streamed.
RequestTimingHandler - Interface in ratpack.dropwizard.metrics
requestTimingMetrics(boolean) - Method in class ratpack.dropwizard.metrics.DropwizardMetricsConfig
The state of request timing metrics reporting.
require() - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecController
Returns the execution controller bound to the current thread, or throws an exception if called on a non Ratpack managed compute thread.
require(Class<T>) - Method in interface ratpack.session.Session
A convenience shorthand for SessionData.require(Class).
require(Class<T>) - Method in interface ratpack.session.SessionData
Like SessionData.get(Class), but throws NoSuchElementException on the absence of a value.
require(Class<T>, SessionSerializer) - Method in interface ratpack.session.Session
require(Class<T>, SessionSerializer) - Method in interface ratpack.session.SessionData
Like SessionData.get(Class, SessionSerializer), but throws NoSuchElementException on the absence of a value.
require(String) - Method in interface ratpack.session.Session
A convenience shorthand for SessionData.require(String).
require(String) - Method in interface ratpack.session.SessionData
Like SessionData.get(String), but throws NoSuchElementException on the absence of a value.
require(String, TypeToken<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.server.ServerConfigBuilder
Declares that it is required that the server config provide an object of the given type at the given path.
require(String, Class<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.server.ServerConfigBuilder
Declares that it is required that the server config provide an object of the given type at the given path.
require(String, Type) - Method in interface ratpack.core.server.ServerConfigBuilder
Declares that it is required that the server config provide an object of the given type at the given path.
require(String, SessionSerializer) - Method in interface ratpack.session.Session
require(String, SessionSerializer) - Method in interface ratpack.session.SessionData
Like SessionData.get(String, SessionSerializer), but throws NoSuchElementException on the absence of a value.
require(SessionKey<T>) - Method in interface ratpack.session.Session
A convenience shorthand for SessionData.require(SessionKey).
require(SessionKey<T>) - Method in interface ratpack.session.SessionData
Like SessionData.get(SessionKey), but throws NoSuchElementException on the absence of a value.
require(SessionKey<T>, SessionSerializer) - Method in interface ratpack.session.Session
require(SessionKey<T>, SessionSerializer) - Method in interface ratpack.session.SessionData
RESET_CONTENT - Static variable in interface ratpack.core.http.Status
The 205 status code.
resetReaderIndex() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
resetRequest() - Method in interface ratpack.test.http.TestHttpClient
Set the requestSpec back to a No Op default and clear the cookies.
resetWriterIndex() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
resolve(String) - Method in interface ratpack.config.PathResolver
Response - Interface in ratpack.core.http
A response to a request.
ResponseChunks - Class in ratpack.core.http
A renderable object for streaming data with HTTP chunked transfer-encoding.
responseHeader(CharSequence, String) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.test.handling.GroovyRequestFixture
Set a response header value.
responseHeader(CharSequence, String) - Method in interface ratpack.test.handling.RequestFixture
Set a response header value.
responseIntercept(Operation) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.client.HttpClientSpec
Execute the provide Operation for all responses returned by this client.
responseIntercept(Action<? super HttpResponse>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.client.HttpClientSpec
Add an interceptor for all responses returned by this client.
responseMaxChunkSize(int) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.client.HttpClientSpec
The max size of the chunks to emit when reading a response as a stream.
responseMaxChunkSize(int) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.client.RequestSpec
The max size of the chunks to emit when reading a response as a stream.
ResponseTimer - Class in ratpack.core.handling
A handler, that adds a "X-Response-Time" header to all requests indicating how long it took to start sending a response in milliseconds.
ResponseTimer() - Constructor for class ratpack.core.handling.ResponseTimer
result(Action<? super ExecResult<T>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Consume the promised value as a Result.
Result<T> - Interface in ratpack.exec
The result of an asynchronous operation, which may be an error.
retain() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
retain(int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
retainedDuplicate() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
retainedSlice() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
retainedSlice(int, int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
retrofit() - Method in class ratpack.retrofit.RatpackRetrofit.Builder
Creates the underlying Retrofit instance and configures it to interface with HttpClient and Promise.
retry(RetryPolicy, BiAction<? super Integer, ? super Throwable>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Causes this yielding the promised value to be retried on error, under the rules of provided retryPolicy.
retryIf(Predicate<? super Throwable>, RetryPolicy, BiAction<? super Integer, ? super Throwable>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Causes this yielding the promised value to be retried on error, under the rules of provided retryPolicy, and if the given Predicate matches the error thrown.
RetryPolicy - Interface in ratpack.exec.util.retry
A strategy object to govern retry behaviours.
right - Variable in class ratpack.func.Pair
The right item of the pair.
right() - Method in class ratpack.func.Pair
The right item of the pair.
right(Promise<O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms the promised value to a Pair, with the value of the given promise as the right.
right(Function<? super T, ? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms the promised value to a Pair, with the result of the given function as the right.
right(T) - Method in class ratpack.func.Pair
Replaces the right item with the given item.
RockerModule - Class in ratpack.rocker
A guice module that binds RockerRenderer.
RockerModule() - Constructor for class ratpack.rocker.RockerModule
RockerRenderer - Interface in ratpack.rocker
A renderer for Rocker templates.
rollback() - Method in interface ratpack.jdbctx.Transaction
Initiates a transaction rollback.
root() - Static method in interface ratpack.config.FileSystemBinding
route(Predicate<? super T>, Action<? super T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Allows the promised value to be handled specially if it meets the given predicate, instead of being handled by the promise subscriber.
run(String...) - Method in class ratpack.spring.config.RatpackConfiguration
run(Action<? super Execution>) - Method in interface ratpack.test.exec.ExecHarness
Initiates an execution and blocks until it completes.
run(Action<? super RegistrySpec>, Action<? super Execution>) - Method in interface ratpack.test.exec.ExecHarness
Initiates an execution and blocks until it completes.
runSingle(Action<? super Execution>) - Static method in interface ratpack.test.exec.ExecHarness
Convenient form of ExecHarness.run(Action) that creates and closes a harness for the run.
runSingle(Action<? super RegistrySpec>, Action<? super Execution>) - Static method in interface ratpack.test.exec.ExecHarness
Convenient form of ExecHarness.run(Action, Action) that creates and closes a harness for the run.
RxRatpack - Class in ratpack.rx2
Provides integration with RxJava2.
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