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WARN - ratpack.core.server.DecodingErrorLevel
websocket(Context, WebSocketHandler<?>) - Static method in class ratpack.core.websocket.WebSockets
websocket(Context, Function<WebSocket, T>) - Static method in class ratpack.core.websocket.WebSockets
webSocket() - Method in class ratpack.dropwizard.metrics.DropwizardMetricsConfig
webSocket(Action<? super WebsocketConfig>) - Method in class ratpack.dropwizard.metrics.DropwizardMetricsConfig
Configure the websockets metrics broadcaster.
WebSocket - Interface in ratpack.core.websocket
websocketBroadcast(Context, Publisher<String>) - Static method in class ratpack.core.websocket.WebSockets
Sets up a websocket that sends the published Strings to a client.
websocketByteBufBroadcast(Context, Publisher<ByteBuf>) - Static method in class ratpack.core.websocket.WebSockets
Sets up a websocket that sends the published byte buffers to a client.
WebSocketClose<T> - Interface in ratpack.core.websocket
WebsocketConfig - Class in ratpack.dropwizard.metrics
WebsocketConfig() - Constructor for class ratpack.dropwizard.metrics.WebsocketConfig
WebSocketConnector<T> - Interface in ratpack.core.websocket
WebSocketHandler<T> - Interface in ratpack.core.websocket
WebSocketMessage<T> - Interface in ratpack.core.websocket
WebSockets - Class in ratpack.core.websocket
WebSockets support for Ratpack.
WebSockets() - Constructor for class ratpack.core.websocket.WebSockets
WebSocketSpec<T> - Interface in ratpack.core.websocket
when(boolean, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Inlines the given handlers if test is true.
when(boolean, Closure<?>, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Inlines the appropriate handlers based on the given test.
when(boolean, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Chain
Inlines the given chain if test is true.
when(boolean, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Inlines the given chain if test is true.
when(boolean, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Chain
Inlines the appropriate chain based on the given test.
when(boolean, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Inlines the appropriate chain based on the given test.
when(boolean, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Chain
Inlines the given chain if test is true.
when(boolean, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Inlines the given chain if test is true.
when(boolean, Action<? super Chain>, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Chain
Inlines the appropriate chain based on the given test.
when(boolean, Action<? super Chain>, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Inlines the appropriate chain based on the given test.
when(Closure<?>, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Closure<?>, Closure<?>, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Closure<?>, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Closure<?>, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Closure<?>, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Closure<?>, Action<? super Chain>, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Predicate<? super I>, Action<? super I>) - Method in interface ratpack.func.Action.ConditionalSpec
when(Predicate<? super I>, Action<? super I>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Creates an action that delegates to the given action if the given predicate applies, else delegates to Action.noop().
when(Predicate<? super I>, Action<? super I>, Action<? super I>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Creates an action that delegates to the first action if the given predicate applies, else the second action.
when(Predicate<? super I>, Function<? super I, ? extends I>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Function
Creates a function that delegates to the given function if the given predicate applies, else delegates to Function.identity().
when(Predicate<? super I>, Function<? super I, ? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.func.Function.ConditionalSpec
Adds a conditional function.
when(Predicate<? super I>, Function<? super I, ? extends O>, Function<? super I, ? extends O>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Function
Creates a function that delegates to the first function if the given predicate applies, else the second function.
when(Predicate<? super Context>, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Predicate<? super Context>, Closure<?>, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Predicate<? super Context>, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Chain
when(Predicate<? super Context>, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Predicate<? super Context>, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Chain
when(Predicate<? super Context>, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Predicate<? super Context>, Handler) - Static method in class ratpack.core.handling.Handlers
Creates a handler that inserts and delegates the given handler if the predicate applies to the context.
when(Predicate<? super Context>, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Chain
when(Predicate<? super Context>, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
when(Predicate<? super Context>, Action<? super Chain>, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Chain
when(Predicate<? super Context>, Action<? super Chain>, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
whenOrElse(Predicate<? super Context>, Handler, Handler) - Static method in class ratpack.core.handling.Handlers
Creates a handler that inserts and delegates to the appropriate handler depending if the predicate applies to the context.
wiretap(Publisher<T>, Action<? super StreamEvent<T>>) - Static method in class ratpack.exec.stream.Streams
Allows listening to the events of the given publisher as they flow to subscribers.
wiretap(Action<? super Optional<? extends Throwable>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Operation
wiretap(Action<? super Result<T>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Registers a listener for the promise outcome.
wiretap(Action<? super StreamEvent<T>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.stream.TransformablePublisher
with(O) - Method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Executes with the given argument, then returns the argument.
with(Action<? super RegistrySpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.registry.RegistryBuilder
with(Action<? super RegistrySpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.registry.RegistrySpec
Executes the given action with this.
with(T, Action<? super T>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Executes the action with the given argument, then returns the argument.
withInit(Action<? super Execution>) - Static method in class ratpack.core.logging.MDCInterceptor
Creates an interceptor with the given initialisation action.
wrap(Operation) - Method in interface ratpack.jdbctx.Transaction
Decorates the given operation in a transaction boundary.
wrap(Promise<T>) - Method in interface ratpack.jdbctx.Transaction
Decorates the given promise in a transaction boundary.
wrap(Factory<? extends Promise<T>>) - Method in interface ratpack.jdbctx.Transaction
Executes the given factory and yields the resultant promise in a transaction.
writableBytes() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
write(ByteBuf, long, Promise<? extends AsynchronousFileChannel>) - Static method in class ratpack.core.file.FileIo
Writes the given bytes to the given file, starting at the given position.
write(ByteBuf, Promise<? extends AsynchronousFileChannel>) - Static method in class ratpack.core.file.FileIo
Writes the given bytes to the given file, starting at the start.
write(String, String) - Method in interface ratpack.test.embed.EphemeralBaseDir
Creates a file with the given string content at the given path within the base dir.
write(Publisher<? extends ByteBuf>, long, Promise<? extends AsynchronousFileChannel>) - Static method in class ratpack.core.file.FileIo
Writes the bytes of the given publisher to the given file, returning the number of bytes written.
write(Publisher<? extends ByteBuf>, Promise<? extends AsynchronousFileChannel>) - Static method in class ratpack.core.file.FileIo
Writes the bytes of the given publisher to the given file starting at the start, returning the number of bytes written.
write(Promise<T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.ReadWriteAccess
Decorates the given promise with write serialization.
write(Promise<T>, Duration) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.ReadWriteAccess
Decorates the given promise with write serialization.
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeByte(int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeBytes(byte[]) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeBytes(ByteBuf) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeBytes(ByteBuf, int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeBytes(ByteBuf, int, int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeBytes(InputStream, int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeBytes(ByteBuffer) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeBytes(FileChannel, long, int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeBytes(ScatteringByteChannel, int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeChar(int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeCharSequence(CharSequence, Charset) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeDouble(double) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeDoubleLE(double) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeFloat(float) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeFloatLE(float) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeInt(int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeIntLE(int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeLong(long) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeLongLE(long) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeMedium(int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeMediumLE(int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writerIndex() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writerIndex(int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeShort(int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeShortLE(int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
writeSpinCount(int) - Method in interface ratpack.core.server.ServerConfigBuilder
The maximum loop count for a write operation until WritableByteChannel.write(ByteBuffer) returns a non-zero value.
WriteStream<T> - Interface in ratpack.exec.stream
The write end of a data stream.
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.TypedData
Writes the data to the given output stream.
writeTo(Writer) - Method in class ratpack.core.health.HealthCheckResults
Writes a string representation of the results to the given writer.
writeZero(int) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
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