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accept(ListenableFuture<? extends T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Downstream
Sends the result of the future downstream.
accept(CompletionStage<? extends T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Downstream
Sends the result of a CompletionStage downstream.
accept(ExecResult<? extends T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Downstream
Signals this downstream, based on the given result.
accept(ExecResult<? extends T>) - Method in class ratpack.exec.util.Promised
Signals this downstream, based on the given result.
accept(Result<? extends T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Downstream
Signals this downstream, based on the given result.
ACCEPTED - Static variable in interface ratpack.core.http.Status
The 202 status code.
accepts(String...) - Static method in class ratpack.core.handling.Handlers
A handler that delegates to the next handler if the request claims that it can accept one of the given types, otherwise raises a 406 client error.
action() - Method in interface ratpack.func.Block
Creates an Action from this block, where the argument is ignored.
Action<T> - Interface in ratpack.func
A generic type for an object that does some work with a thing.
Action.ConditionalSpec<I> - Interface in ratpack.func
A spec for adding conditions to a conditional action.
add() - Method in interface ratpack.test.http.MultipartFileSpec
Add the file to the parent multipart form
add(TypeToken<O>, O) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.Request
Adds a registry entry that is available by the given type.
add(TypeToken<O>, O) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Adds a registry entry that is available by the given type.
add(TypeToken<O>, O) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.registry.RegistryBuilder
Adds a registry entry that is available by the given type.
add(TypeToken<O>, O) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.registry.RegistrySpec
Adds a registry entry that is available by the given type.
add(TypeToken<O>, O) - Method in interface ratpack.guice.BindingsSpec
add(CharSequence, Object) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.MutableHeaders
Adds a new header with the specified name and value.
add(Class<O>, O) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.Request
Adds a registry entry that is available by the given type.
add(Class<O>, O) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Adds a registry entry that is available by the given type.
add(Class<O>, O) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.registry.RegistryBuilder
Adds a registry entry that is available by the given type.
add(Class<O>, O) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.registry.RegistrySpec
Adds a registry entry that is available by the given type.
add(Object) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.Request
Adds a registry entry.
add(Object) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Adds a registry entry.
add(Object) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.registry.RegistryBuilder
Adds a registry entry.
add(Object) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.registry.RegistrySpec
Adds a registry entry.
add(ConfigSource) - Method in interface ratpack.config.ConfigDataBuilder
Adds a configuration source.
add(ConfigSource) - Method in interface ratpack.core.server.ServerConfigBuilder
Adds a configuration source.
add(Imposition) - Method in interface ratpack.core.impose.ImpositionsSpec
Adds the imposition, replacing any previous imposition of the exact same type.
addDefaultImpositions(ImpositionsSpec) - Method in class ratpack.test.ServerBackedApplicationUnderTest
Adds default impositions, that make sense in most cases.
addImpositions(ImpositionsSpec) - Method in class ratpack.test.ServerBackedApplicationUnderTest
Adds impositions to be imposed on the server while it is being created and starting.
addInterceptor(ExecInterceptor, Block) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Adds an interceptor that wraps the rest of the current execution segment and all future segments of this execution.
addLazy(TypeToken<O>, Supplier<? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.Request
Adds a lazily created entry to the registry.
addLazy(TypeToken<O>, Supplier<? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Adds a lazily created entry to the registry.
addLazy(TypeToken<O>, Supplier<? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.registry.RegistryBuilder
Adds a lazily created entry to the registry.
addLazy(TypeToken<O>, Supplier<? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.registry.RegistrySpec
Adds a lazily created entry to the registry.
addLazy(TypeToken<O>, Supplier<? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.guice.BindingsSpec
addLazy(Class<O>, Supplier<? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.Request
Adds a lazily created entry to the registry.
addLazy(Class<O>, Supplier<? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Adds a lazily created entry to the registry.
addLazy(Class<O>, Supplier<? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.registry.RegistryBuilder
Adds a lazily created entry to the registry.
addLazy(Class<O>, Supplier<? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.registry.RegistrySpec
Adds a lazily created entry to the registry.
address(InetAddress) - Method in interface ratpack.core.server.ServerConfigBuilder
Sets the address to bind to.
addressResolver(AddressResolverGroup<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.client.HttpClientSpec
Specifies a custom name resolver to use.
addressResolver(Action<? super DnsNameResolverBuilder>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.client.HttpClientSpec
Specifies a custom name resolver to use.
all(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Adds the given Closure as a Handler to this GroovyChain.
all(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Chain
all(Class<? extends Handler>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
all(Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Chain
Adds the given handler to this.
all(Handler) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Adds the given handler to this.
all(Handler) - Method in class ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChainAction
Adds the given handler to this.
alloc() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
allow(String) - Method in interface ratpack.session.SessionTypeFilter
Indicates whether the given type is allowed to be stored or loaded from session data.
allowTypes(Binder, Class<?>...) - Static method in class ratpack.session.SessionModule
Registers the given types as being session safe.
ALREADY_REPORTED - Static variable in interface ratpack.core.http.Status
The 208 status code.
alwaysFalse() - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Predicate
A predicate that always returns false, regardless of the input object.
alwaysTrue() - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Predicate
A predicate that always returns true, regardless of the input object.
andThen(Function<? super O, ? extends T>) - Method in interface ratpack.func.Function
Joins this function with the given function.
andThen(Function<? super O, ? extends V>) - Method in interface ratpack.func.BiFunction
app() - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script named "ratpack.groovy".
app(boolean) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script named "ratpack.groovy".
app(boolean, String...) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script.
app(boolean, Path) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script.
app(Path) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script.
append(Action<? super O>) - Method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Returns a new action that executes this action and then the given action.
APPLICATION_FORM - Static variable in interface ratpack.core.http.MediaType
APPLICATION_JSON - Static variable in interface ratpack.core.http.MediaType
ApplicationUnderTest - Interface in ratpack.test
A Ratpack application that is being tested, or used at test time.
apply(I) - Method in interface ratpack.func.Function
The function implementation.
apply(I1, I2) - Method in interface ratpack.func.BiFunction
apply(ServerConfigBuilder) - Method in class ratpack.core.impose.ServerConfigImposition
Applies the overrides to the given builder.
apply(Function<? super Promise<T>, ? extends Promise<O>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Applies the custom operation function to this promise.
apply(T) - Method in interface ratpack.func.Predicate
Tests the given value.
appWithArgs(boolean, String[], String...) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script.
appWithArgs(boolean, Path, String...) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script.
appWithArgs(String...) - Static method in class ratpack.groovy.Groovy.Script
Creates an application defining action from a Groovy script named "ratpack.groovy".
args(String[]) - Method in interface ratpack.config.ConfigDataBuilder
Invokes ConfigDataBuilder.args(String, String, String[]), with no prefix and "=" as the separator.
args(String[]) - Method in interface ratpack.core.server.ServerConfigBuilder
Adds the given args as a config source.
args(String, String[]) - Method in interface ratpack.config.ConfigDataBuilder
args(String, String[]) - Method in interface ratpack.core.server.ServerConfigBuilder
args(String, String, String[]) - Method in interface ratpack.config.ConfigDataBuilder
Adds a configuration source for the given string args.
args(String, String, String[]) - Method in interface ratpack.core.server.ServerConfigBuilder
Adds a configuration source for the given string args.
around(Factory<? extends B>, BiFunction<? super B, ? super ExecResult<T>, ? extends ExecResult<A>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Facilitates capturing a value before the the promise is subscribed and using it to later augment the result.
array() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
arrayOffset() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
asBool(K) - Method in interface ratpack.func.TypeCoercingMap
Convert the value with given key to a Boolean, using Boolean.valueOf(String).
asBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class ratpack.func.TypeCoercingProperties
Gets a property value as a boolean, substituting a default if the property does not exist.
asByte(K) - Method in interface ratpack.func.TypeCoercingMap
Convert the value with given key to a Byte, using Byte.valueOf(String).
asByteSource(String) - Method in class ratpack.func.TypeCoercingProperties
Gets a property value as a ByteSource.
asByteSource(Path) - Static method in class ratpack.func.Paths2
asCharSource(Path, Charset) - Static method in class ratpack.func.Paths2
asClass(String, Class<T>) - Method in class ratpack.func.TypeCoercingProperties
Gets a property value as a Class.
asInetAddress(String) - Method in class ratpack.func.TypeCoercingProperties
Gets a property value as an InetAddress.
asInt(String, int) - Method in class ratpack.func.TypeCoercingProperties
Gets a property value as an int, substituting a default if the property does not exist.
asInt(K) - Method in interface ratpack.func.TypeCoercingMap
Convert the value with given key to a Integer, using Integer.valueOf(String).
asList(String) - Method in class ratpack.func.TypeCoercingProperties
Gets a property value as a List of Strings.
asLong(String, long) - Method in class ratpack.func.TypeCoercingProperties
Gets a property value as an long, substituting a default if the property does not exist.
asLong(K) - Method in interface ratpack.func.TypeCoercingMap
Convert the value with given key to a Long, using Long.valueOf(String).
asMultimap() - Method in interface ratpack.func.MultiValueMap
asMultiValueMap() - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.Headers
asReadOnly() - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
assertAllowed(String) - Method in interface ratpack.session.SessionTypeFilter
Throws NonAllowedSessionTypeException if the given type is not allowed by this filterer.
asShort(K) - Method in interface ratpack.func.TypeCoercingMap
Convert the value with given key to a Short, using Short.valueOf(String).
asStream(String) - Method in class ratpack.func.TypeCoercingProperties
Gets a property value as an InputStream.
asString(String, String) - Method in class ratpack.func.TypeCoercingProperties
Gets a property value as a String, substituting a default if the property does not exist.
asURI(String) - Method in class ratpack.func.TypeCoercingProperties
Gets a property value as a URI.
async(Upstream<T>) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Creates a promise for value that will be produced asynchronously.
AttemptRetryPolicy - Class in ratpack.exec.util.retry
An attempt based implementation of RetryPolicy.
AttemptRetryPolicy(Delay, int) - Constructor for class ratpack.exec.util.retry.AttemptRetryPolicy
AttemptRetryPolicyBuilder - Interface in ratpack.exec.util.retry
attempts() - Method in class ratpack.exec.util.retry.AttemptRetryPolicy
Attempts performed so far.
attempts() - Method in class ratpack.exec.util.retry.DurationRetryPolicy
Attempts performed so far.
attempts() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.retry.RetryPolicy
Attempts performed so far.
autoBind(boolean) - Method in interface ratpack.jdbctx.Transaction
Sets the auto binding behaviour of the transaction.
AutoCloseWebSocketHandler<T extends AutoCloseable> - Class in ratpack.core.websocket
AutoCloseWebSocketHandler() - Constructor for class ratpack.core.websocket.AutoCloseWebSocketHandler
await(Duration) - Method in interface ratpack.core.server.RatpackServer
Blocks until the server stops, returning immediately if not running.
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