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Factory<T> - Interface in ratpack.func
An object that creates another.
FAILED_DEPENDENCY - Static variable in interface ratpack.core.http.Status
The 424 status code.
FALSE - Static variable in interface ratpack.func.Predicate
A predicate that always returns false, regardless of the input object.
fanOut(Publisher<? extends Iterable<? extends T>>) - Static method in class ratpack.exec.stream.Streams
Returns a publisher that publishes each element from Collections that are produced from the given input publisher.
fanOut(Publisher<? extends Iterable<? extends T>>, Action<? super T>) - Static method in class ratpack.exec.stream.Streams
Returns a publisher that publishes each element from Collections that are produced from the given input publisher.
field(String) - Method in interface ratpack.test.http.MultipartFileSpec
Specify the form field
field(String, String) - Method in interface ratpack.test.http.MultipartFormSpec
Add a field to the multipart form.
file() - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.test.handling.GroovyRequestFixture
A specification of a file to upload (see RFC2388).
file() - Method in interface ratpack.test.handling.RequestFixture
A specification of a file to upload (see RFC2388).
file() - Method in interface ratpack.test.http.MultipartFormSpec
A specification of a file to upload (see RFC2388).
file(String) - Method in interface ratpack.config.FileSystemBinding
Creates a file reference relative to the bind point denoted by the given relative path.
file(String) - Method in interface ratpack.core.form.Form
Return the first uploaded file with the given name.
file(String) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Context
Gets the file relative to the contextual FileSystemBinding.
file(String, String, String) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.test.handling.GroovyRequestFixture
Uploads a file via a multipart form (see RFC2388).
file(String, String, String) - Method in interface ratpack.test.handling.RequestFixture
Uploads a file via a multipart form (see RFC2388).
FileHandlerSpec - Interface in ratpack.core.file
A specification for a handler that serves files from the file system.
FileIo - Class in ratpack.core.file
Utilities for streaming to and from files.
files() - Method in interface ratpack.core.form.Form
Returns all of the uploaded files.
files() - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Chain
Chain.files(Action), using the default config.
files() - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
files(Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
files(String) - Method in interface ratpack.core.file.FileHandlerSpec
A convenience method that specifies both request path and file system path bindings for serving files.
files(String) - Method in interface ratpack.core.form.Form
Return all of the uploaded files with the given name.
files(ServerConfig, Action<? super FileHandlerSpec>) - Static method in class ratpack.core.handling.Handlers
Creates a handler that serves files from the file system.
files(Action<? super FileHandlerSpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Chain
Adds a handler that serves files from the file system.
files(Action<? super FileHandlerSpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Adds a handler that serves files from the file system.
fileSystem(String, Closure<?>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Creates a List of Handler from the given Closure and adds a Handler to this GroovyChain that changes the FileSystemBinding for the Handler list.
fileSystem(String, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Chain
fileSystem(String, Class<? extends Action<? super Chain>>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
fileSystem(String, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.handling.Chain
Adds a handler to this chain that changes the FileSystemBinding for the given handler chain.
fileSystem(String, Action<? super Chain>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Adds a handler to this chain that changes the FileSystemBinding for the given handler chain.
fileSystem(ServerConfig, String, Handler) - Static method in class ratpack.core.handling.Handlers
A handlers that changes the FileSystemBinding for the given handlers.
FileSystemBinding - Interface in ratpack.config
A file system binding represents a file system location that is used to resolve relative paths.
fillInStackTrace() - Method in exception ratpack.core.http.ConnectionClosedException
fillInStackTrace() - Method in exception ratpack.exec.util.ReadWriteAccess.TimeoutException
filter(Publisher<T>, Predicate<? super T>) - Static method in class ratpack.exec.stream.Streams
Returns a publisher that filters items from the given input stream by applying the given filter predicate.
filter(Pair<String, String>) - Method in interface ratpack.config.EnvironmentParser
Provides an opportunity to remove environment variables from parsing by the remainder of the pipeline.
filter(Predicate<? super T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.stream.TransformablePublisher
find() - Static method in class ratpack.core.server.BaseDir
Finds the “directory” on the classpath that contains a file called .ratpack.
find(String) - Static method in class ratpack.core.server.BaseDir
Finds the “directory” on the classpath that contains the marker file at the given path.
findBaseDir() - Method in interface ratpack.core.server.ServerConfigBuilder
Sets the base dir using BaseDir.find().
findBaseDir(String) - Method in interface ratpack.core.server.ServerConfigBuilder
Sets the base dir using BaseDir.find(String).
first(TypeToken<T>, Function<? super T, ? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.registry.Registry
Find and transform an item.
first(Class<T>, Function<? super T, ? extends O>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.registry.Registry
A convenience method for Registry.first(TypeToken, Function).
FixedDelay - Class in ratpack.exec.util.retry
A fixed duration based implementation of Delay.
flatEquals(Properties, Properties) - Static method in class ratpack.func.PropertiesUtil
flatLeft(Function<? super T, ? extends Promise<O>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms the promised value to a Pair, with the value of the result of the given function as the left.
flatMap(Publisher<I>, Function<? super I, ? extends Promise<? extends O>>) - Static method in class ratpack.exec.stream.Streams
Returns a publisher that publishes items from the given input publisher after transforming each item via the given, promise returning, function.
flatMap(Promise<T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Operation
flatMap(Factory<? extends Promise<T>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Operation
flatMap(Function<? super T, ? extends Promise<? extends O>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.stream.TransformablePublisher
flatMap(Function<? super T, ? extends Promise<O>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms the promised value by applying the given function to it that returns a promise for the transformed value.
flatMapError(Class<E>, Function<? super E, ? extends Promise<T>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms a failure of the given type (potentially into a value) by applying the given function to it.
flatMapError(Function<? super Throwable, ? extends Promise<T>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms a failure of the given type (potentially into a value) by applying the given function to it.
flatMapError(Predicate<? super Throwable>, Function<? super Throwable, ? extends Promise<T>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms a failure of the given type (potentially into a value) by applying the given function to it.
flatMapIf(Predicate<? super T>, Function<? super T, ? extends Promise<O>>, Function<? super T, ? extends Promise<O>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms the promised value by applying one of the given functions to it that returns a promise for the transformed value, depending if it satisfies the predicate.
flatMapIf(Predicate<? super T>, Function<? super T, ? extends Promise<T>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms the promised value by applying the given function to it that returns a promise for the transformed value, if it satisfies the predicate.
flatOp(Function<? super T, ? extends Operation>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Converts this promise to an operation, which is the return of function.
flatRight(Function<? super T, ? extends Promise<O>>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Transforms the promised value to a Pair, with the value of the result of the given function as the right.
flatten(Publisher<? extends Publisher<T>>) - Static method in class ratpack.exec.stream.Streams
Creates a single publisher from a publisher of publishers.
flatten(Publisher<? extends Publisher<T>>, Action<? super T>) - Static method in class ratpack.exec.stream.Streams
Creates a single publisher from a publisher of publishers.
flatten(Factory<? extends Promise<T>>) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Creates a promise for the promise produced by the given factory.
flatten(Factory<Operation>) - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Operation
Create an operation that delegates to another operation.
flatYield(Function<? super YieldRequest, ? extends Promise<T>>) - Static method in class ratpack.exec.stream.Streams
Creates a new publisher, backed by the given asynchronous data producing function.
flux(Operation) - Static method in class ratpack.reactor.ReactorRatpack
Converts a Operation into a Flux.
flux(Promise<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.reactor.ReactorRatpack
Converts a Promise into an Flux.
fluxEach(Promise<I>) - Static method in class ratpack.reactor.ReactorRatpack
Converts a Promise for an iterable into an Flux.
FORBIDDEN - Static variable in interface ratpack.core.http.Status
The 403 status code.
forceCloseConnection() - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.Response
Forces the closing of the current connection, even if the client requested it to be kept alive.
ForceDevelopmentImposition - Class in ratpack.core.impose
Forces whether to start the application in ServerConfig.isDevelopment() mode or not.
ForceServerListenPortImposition - Class in ratpack.core.impose
Forces the port that the server should use to listen for requests.
forEach(BiAction<? super Integer, ? super T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.Batch
Processes the promises of the batch, stopping at the first error, emitting results to the given callback.
forEach(BiAction<? super Integer, ? super T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.ParallelBatch
Processes the promises of the batch, stopping at the first error, emitting results to the given callback.
forEach(BiAction<? super Integer, ? super T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.util.SerialBatch
Processes the promises of the batch, stopping at the first error, emitting results to the given callback.
forEachByte(int, int, ByteProcessor) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
forEachByte(ByteProcessor) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
forEachByteDesc(int, int, ByteProcessor) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
forEachByteDesc(ByteProcessor) - Method in class ratpack.core.bytebuf.ByteBufRef
fork() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.ExecController
Create a new Execution from this controller that is bound to the computation threads.
fork() - Static method in interface ratpack.exec.Execution
Used to create a new execution.
fork() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Forks a new execution and subscribes to this promise, returning a promise for its value.
fork() - Method in interface ratpack.exec.stream.TransformablePublisher
Consumes the given publisher eagerly in a forked execution, buffering results until ready to be consumed by this execution.
fork() - Method in interface ratpack.test.exec.ExecHarness
fork(Observable<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.rx2.RxRatpack
Parallelize an observable by forking it's execution onto a different Ratpack compute thread and automatically binding the result back to the original execution.
fork(Observable<T>, Action<? super RegistrySpec>) - Static method in class ratpack.rx2.RxRatpack
A variant of RxRatpack.fork(io.reactivex.Observable<T>) that allows access to the registry of the forked execution inside an Action.
fork(Publisher<T>, Action<? super ExecSpec>, Action<? super T>) - Static method in class ratpack.exec.stream.Streams
Consumes the given publisher eagerly in a forked execution, buffering results until ready to be consumed by this execution.
fork(Action<? super ExecSpec>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.Promise
Forks a new execution and subscribes to this promise, returning a promise for its value.
fork(Action<? super ExecSpec>, Action<? super T>) - Method in interface ratpack.exec.stream.TransformablePublisher
Consumes the given publisher eagerly in a forked execution, buffering results until ready to be consumed by this execution.
fork(Flux<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.reactor.ReactorRatpack
Parallelize a flux by forking it's execution onto a different Ratpack compute thread and automatically binding the result back to the original execution.
fork(Flux<T>, Action<? super RegistrySpec>) - Static method in class ratpack.reactor.ReactorRatpack
A variant of ReactorRatpack.fork(reactor.core.publisher.Flux<T>) that allows access to the registry of the forked execution inside an Action.
forkEach(Observable<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.rx2.RxRatpack
Parallelize an observable by creating a new Ratpack execution for each element.
forkEach(Observable<T>, Action<? super RegistrySpec>) - Static method in class ratpack.rx2.RxRatpack
A variant of RxRatpack.forkEach(io.reactivex.Observable<T>) that allows access to the registry of each forked execution inside an Action.
forkEach(Flux<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.reactor.ReactorRatpack
Parallelize an observable by creating a new Ratpack execution for each element.
forkEach(Flux<T>, Action<? super RegistrySpec>) - Static method in class ratpack.reactor.ReactorRatpack
A variant of ReactorRatpack.forkEach(reactor.core.publisher.Flux<T>) that allows access to the registry of each forked execution inside an Action.
form() - Static method in interface ratpack.core.form.Form
Creates a parseable object to parse a request body into a Form.
form() - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.test.handling.GroovyRequestFixture
A specification of a multipart form (see RFC2388).
form() - Method in interface ratpack.test.handling.RequestFixture
A specification of a multipart form (see RFC2388).
form(boolean) - Static method in interface ratpack.core.form.Form
Creates a parseable object to parse a request body into a Form.
form(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface ratpack.groovy.test.handling.GroovyRequestFixture
Sets the fields on a multipart form (see RFC2388).
form(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface ratpack.test.handling.RequestFixture
Sets the fields on a multipart form (see RFC2388).
Form - Interface in ratpack.core.form
An uploaded form.
FormParseOpts - Interface in ratpack.core.form
Options for parsing a Form.
forwardTo(Response) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.client.ReceivedResponse
forwardTo(Response) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.client.StreamedResponse
Stream this received response out to the given server response.
forwardTo(Response, Action<? super MutableHeaders>) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.client.StreamedResponse
Stream this received response out to the given server response.
FOUND - Static variable in interface ratpack.core.http.Status
The 302 status code.
fragment(String) - Method in interface ratpack.core.http.HttpUrlBuilder
Add a fragment to the URL.
from(BiConsumer<T, U>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.BiAction
Creates an bi-action from a JDK bi-consumer.
from(Consumer<T>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Action
Creates an action from a JDK consumer.
from(Function<I, O>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Function
Creates a function of this type from a JDK style function.
from(Predicate<T>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Predicate
Creates a predicate from a JDK predicate.
from(Chain) - Static method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyChain
Creates a Groovy chain wrapper over a chain instance.
from(Context) - Static method in interface ratpack.groovy.handling.GroovyContext
Creates a Groovy context from a context.
from(RatpackServerSpec) - Static method in interface ratpack.groovy.server.GroovyRatpackServerSpec
from(EmbeddedApp) - Static method in interface ratpack.groovy.test.embed.GroovyEmbeddedApp
fromGuava(Function<I, O>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Function
Creates a function of this type from a Guava style function.
fromGuava(Predicate<T>) - Static method in interface ratpack.func.Predicate
Creates a predicate from a Guava predicate.
fromHandler(Closure<?>) - Static method in interface ratpack.groovy.test.embed.GroovyEmbeddedApp
fromHandler(Handler) - Static method in interface ratpack.test.embed.EmbeddedApp
Creates an embedded application with a default launch config (no base dir, ephemeral port) and the given handler.
fromHandlerFactory(Function<? super Registry, ? extends Handler>) - Static method in interface ratpack.test.embed.EmbeddedApp
Creates an embedded application with a default launch config (no base dir, ephemeral port) and the given handler.
fromHandlers(Closure<?>) - Static method in interface ratpack.groovy.test.embed.GroovyEmbeddedApp
fromHandlers(Action<? super Chain>) - Static method in interface ratpack.test.embed.EmbeddedApp
Creates an embedded application with a default launch config (no base dir, ephemeral port) and the given handler chain.
fromJson(TypeToken<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.core.jackson.Jackson
Creates a parseable object to parse a request body into the given type.
fromJson(TypeToken<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.gson.Gson
Creates a parseable object to parse a request body into the given type.
fromJson(TypeToken<T>, ObjectMapper) - Static method in class ratpack.core.jackson.Jackson
Creates a parseable object to parse a request body into the given type.
fromJson(TypeToken<T>, Gson) - Static method in class ratpack.gson.Gson
Creates a parseable object to parse a request body into the given type.
fromJson(Class<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.core.jackson.Jackson
Creates a parseable object to parse a request body into the given type.
fromJson(Class<T>) - Static method in class ratpack.gson.Gson
Creates a parseable object to parse a request body into the given type.
fromJson(Class<T>, ObjectMapper) - Static method in class ratpack.core.jackson.Jackson
Creates a parseable object to parse a request body into the given type.
fromJson(Class<T>, Gson) - Static method in class ratpack.gson.Gson
Creates a parseable object to parse a request body into the given type.
fromServer(RatpackServer) - Static method in interface ratpack.test.embed.EmbeddedApp
Creates an embedded application for the given server.
fromServer(ServerConfigBuilder, Closure<?>) - Static method in interface ratpack.groovy.test.embed.GroovyEmbeddedApp
fromServer(ServerConfigBuilder, Action<? super RatpackServerSpec>) - Static method in interface ratpack.test.embed.EmbeddedApp
Creates an embedded application using the given server config, and server creating function.
fromServer(ServerConfig, Closure<?>) - Static method in interface ratpack.groovy.test.embed.GroovyEmbeddedApp
fromServer(ServerConfig, Action<? super RatpackServerSpec>) - Static method in interface ratpack.test.embed.EmbeddedApp
Creates an embedded application using the given server config, and server creating function.
fromServer(Factory<? extends RatpackServer>) - Static method in interface ratpack.test.embed.EmbeddedApp
Creates an embedded application for the given server.
FULL - ratpack.core.server.DecodingErrorLevel
function(O, O) - Method in interface ratpack.func.Predicate
Creates a function the returns one of the given values.
Function<I,​O> - Interface in ratpack.func
A single argument function.
Function.ConditionalSpec<I,​O> - Interface in ratpack.func
A spec for adding conditions to a conditional function.
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