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14 Groovy

Groovy is an alternative JVM programming language. It has a strong synergy with Java and many language and library features that make it a compelling programming environment. Ratpack provides strong integration with Groovy via the ratpack-groovy and ratpack-groovy-test libraries. Writing Ratpack applications in Groovy generally leads to less code through Groovy’s concise syntax compared to Java and a more productive and enjoyable development experience. To be clear though, Ratpack applications do not need to be written in Groovy.

Groovy is commonly known as a dynamic language. However, Groovy 2.0 added full static typing and static compilation as an option. Ratpack’s Groovy support is strictly designed to fully support “static Groovy” and also leverages the newest features of Groovy to avoid introducing boilerplate code to achieve this goal. Said another way, Ratpack’s Groovy support does not use any dynamic language features and has a strongly typed API.

TODO: find decent links describing static Groovy and use above

1.14 Prerequisites

If you are new to Groovy, you may want to research the following foundational Groovy topics before proceeding:

  1. Closures
  2. The def keyword

TODO: what else should be in this list? Also, links needed

something else

2.14 Ratpack Groovy API

TODO: explain that Groovy API wraps Java API and mirrors it in corresponding ratpack.groovy.*

1.2.14 @DelegatesTo

@DelegatesTo is aimed at documenting code and providing the IDE and static type checker/compiler with more type information at compile-time. Applying the annotation is particularly interesting for DSL authors.

Let’s consider the following Ratpack code snippet:

ratpack {
  handlers {
    get {
      render "Hello world!"

This code is also known as being written in Ratpack’s “GroovyChain DSL”. It is essentially the same as

      render("Hello world!")

The methods ratpack, handlers, get and render are called. In fact there is no restriction to call each method only once, for example, the code could have had multiple method invocations of get, responding to different request URIs:

ratpack {
  handlers {
    get {
      render "Hello world!"

    get('foo')  {
      render "bar"

Notice how the calls to ratpack, handlers and get build a hierarchy. But how is it actually transformed to calls to Groovy/Java objects?

That’s exactly where delegation comes into play. Groovy allows to change the target of method calls inside Closure code blocks. Let’s have a look at a very basic example:

class Settings {
   String host
   Integer port

   def host(String h) { = h }
   def port(Integer p) { this.port = p }

Settings settings(Closure dsl)  {
    def p = new Settings()
    def code = dsl.clone() // better use: dsl.rehydrate(p, this, this)
    code.delegate = p
    return p

// our DSL starts here and returns a Settings instance
Settings config = settings {
  port 1234
  host 'localhost'

assert == 'localhost'
assert config.port == 1234

The code in the settings DSL block calls methods which do not exist in the current lexical scope. At runtime, once the delegate property is set though, Groovy additionally resolves the method against the given delegate object, in our case, the Settings instance.

Delegation is commonly used in Groovy DSLs, as it is the case with the Ratpack DSL, to decouple DSL code from underlying objects.

This technique bears a problem for code completion in IDEs or the static type checker/compiler that has been added in Groovy 2. Running the following code in groovyConsole

class Settings {
   String host
   Integer port

   def host(String h) { = h }
   def port(Integer p) { this.port = p }

Settings settings(Closure dsl)  {
    def p = new Settings()
    def code = dsl.clone() // better use: dsl.rehydrate(p, this, this)
    code.delegate = p
    return p

void createConfig() {
	Settings config = settings {
	  port 1234
	  host 'localhost'

	assert == 'localhost'
	assert config.port == 1234


[Static type checking] - Cannot find matching method ConsoleScript23#port(int). Please check if the declared type is right and if the method exists.
 at line: 20, column: 7

[Static type checking] - Cannot find matching method ConsoleScript23#host(java.lang.String). Please check if the declared type is right and if the method exists.
 at line: 21, column: 7

The type checker misses information about the delegate type Settings at compile-time.

This is the point where @DelegatesTo finally comes into play. It is exactly used in cases where this type information needs to be specified for Closure method parameters:

// ...

// let's tell the compiler we're delegating to the Settings class
Settings settings(@DelegatesTo(Settings) Closure dsl)  {
    def p = new Settings()
    def code = dsl.clone() // better use: dsl.rehydrate(p, this, this)
    code.delegate = p
    return p

// ...

Ratpack uses @DelegatesTo wherever Closure method parameters are used. This does not only serve better code completion or the static type checker, but also for documentation purposes.

3.14 ratpack.groovy script

TODO: introduce DSL used in this file, discuss reloading when in development mode

4.14 handlers {} DSL

TODO: introduce the GroovyChain DSL, and closures as handlers

5.14 Testing

Groovy comes with built-in support for writing tests. Besides integrated support for JUnit, the programming language comes with features proven to be very valuable for test-driven development. One of them is the extended assert keyword on which we’ll have a look at in the next section.

If you’re looking for Ratpack-specific test support documentation, there is a dedicated Ratpack testing guide section in this manual.

1.5.14 Power assertions

Writing tests means formulating assumptions by using assertions. In Java this can be done by using the assert keyword that has been added in J2SE 1.4. Assertion statements in Java are disabled by default.

Groovy comes with a powerful variant of assert also known as power assertion statement. Groovy’s power assert differs from the Java version in its output given once the boolean expression validates to false:

def x = 1
assert x == 2

// Output:
// Assertion failed:
// assert x == 2
//        | |
//        1 false

The java.lang.AssertionError contains an extended version of the original assertion error message. Its output shows all variable and expression values from the outer to the inner most expression.

Due to its expressional power, it has become common sense in the Groovy community to write test cases with the assert statement instead of any assert* methods provided by the testing library of choice.

The assert statement is only one of the many useful Groovy features for writing tests. If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide of all Groovy language testing features, please consult the Groovy testing guide.

2.5.14 JUnit 3 support

Groovy comes with embedded JUnit 3 support and a custom TestCase base class: groovy.util.GroovyTestCase. GroovyTestCase extends TestCase and adds useful utility methods.

One example is the shouldFail method family. Each shouldFail method takes a Closure and executes it. If an exception is thrown and the code block fails, shouldFail catches the exception and the test method does not fail:

import groovy.util.GroovyTestCase

class ListTest extends GroovyTestCase {

  void testInvalidIndexAccess1() {
    def numbers = [1,2,3,4]

    shouldFail {

shouldFail in fact returns the catched exception which allows for asserting on exception messages or types:

import groovy.util.GroovyTestCase

class ListTest extends GroovyTestCase {

  void testInvalidIndexAccess1() {
    def numbers = [1,2,3,4]

    def msg = shouldFail {

    assert msg == 'Index: 4, Size: 4'

In addition there is a variant of the shouldFail method that comes with a java.lang.Class parameter before the Closure parameter:

import groovy.util.GroovyTestCase

class ListTest extends GroovyTestCase {

  void testInvalidIndexAccess1() {
    def numbers = [1,2,3,4]

    def msg = shouldFail(IndexOutOfBoundsException) {

    assert msg == 'Index: 4, Size: 4'

If the thrown exception would be another type, shouldFail would rethrow the exception letting the test method fail

A complete overview of allGroovyTestCase methods can be found in the JavaDoc documentation.

3.5.14 JUnit 4 support

Groovy comes with embedded JUnit 4 support. As of Groovy 2.3.0, the groovy.test.GroovyAssert class can be seen as complement to Groovy’s GroovyTestCase JUnit 3 base class. GroovyAssert extends org.junit.Assert by adding static utility methods for writing JUnit 4 tests in Groovy.

import static groovy.test.GroovyAssert.shouldFail

class ListTest {
  void testInvalidIndexAccess1() {
    def numbers = [1,2,3,4]
    shouldFail {

A complete overview of all GroovyAssert methods can be found in the JavaDoc documentation.

4.5.14 Spock

Spock is a testing and specification framework for Java and Groovy applications. What makes it stand out from the crowd is its beautiful and highly expressive specification DSL. Spock specifications are written as Groovy classes.

Spock can be used for unit, integration or BDD (behavior-driven-development) testing, it doesn’t put itself into a specific category of testing frameworks or libraries.

In the following paragraphs we will have a first look at the anatomy of a Spock specification. It is not meant to be a full blown documentation, but rather give a pretty good feeling on what Spock is up to. First steps

Spock lets you write specifications that describe features (properties, aspects) exhibited by a system of interest. The “system” can be anything between a single class and an entire application, a more advanced term for it is system under specification. The feature description starts from a specific snapshot of the system and its collaborators, this snapshot is called the feature’s fixture.

Spock specification classes are automatically derived from spock.lang.Specification. A concrete specification class might consist of fields, fixture methods, features methods and helper methods.

Let’s have a look at a Ratack unit test specification:

import ratpack.groovy.test.GroovyRatpackMainApplicationUnderTest
import ratpack.test.http.TestHttpClient
import ratpack.test.ServerBackedApplicationUnderTest

class SiteSpec {

  ServerBackedApplicationUnderTest aut = new GroovyRatpackMainApplicationUnderTest()
  @Delegate TestHttpClient client = TestHttpClient.testHttpClient(aut)

  def "Check Site Index"() {

      response.statusCode == 200
      response.body.text.contains('<title>Ratpack: A toolkit for JVM web applications</title>')

Spock feature specifications are defined as methods inside a spock.lang.Specification class. They describe the feature by using a String literal instead of a method name. The specification above uses "Check Site Index" to test the outcome of a request to index.html.

The feature specification uses the when and then blocks. The when block creates a so-called stimulus and is a companion of the then block which describes the response to the stimulus. Notice how we can also leave out the assert statements in the then block. Spock will interpret Boolean expressions there correctly. The setup block could have been used to configure local variables visible inside the feature method only. More on Spock

Spock provides more advanced features like data tables or mocking we didn’t have a look at in this section. Feel free to consult the Spock GitHub page for more documentation.