Uses of Interface
Packages that use Operation Package Description ratpack.core.file Types for dealing with the file system and serving files.ratpack.core.http.client The HTTP client.ratpack.exec The execution management.ratpack.exec.util ratpack.jdbctx ratpack.reactor Provides integration with the Project Reactor library.ratpack.rx2 Provides integration with the RxJava library.ratpack.session Objects for providingSession
support.ratpack.test.exec -
Uses of Operation in ratpack.core.file
Methods in ratpack.core.file that return Operation Modifier and Type Method Description static Operation
FileIo. write(io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf bytes, long position, Promise<? extends AsynchronousFileChannel> file)
Writes the given bytes to the given file, starting at the given position.static Operation
FileIo. write(io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf bytes, Promise<? extends AsynchronousFileChannel> file)
Writes the given bytes to the given file, starting at the start. -
Uses of Operation in ratpack.core.http.client
Methods in ratpack.core.http.client with parameters of type Operation Modifier and Type Method Description HttpClientSpec
HttpClientSpec. responseIntercept(Operation operation)
Execute the provideOperation
for all responses returned by this client. -
Uses of Operation in ratpack.exec
Methods in ratpack.exec that return Operation Modifier and Type Method Description default Operation
Operation. blockingNext(Block operation)
Executes the given block as an operation, on a blocking thread.default Operation
Promise. flatOp(Function<? super T,? extends Operation> function)
Converts this promise to an operation, which is the return offunction
.static Operation
Operation. flatten(Factory<Operation> factory)
Create an operation that delegates to another operation.default Operation
Operation. mapError(Action<? super Throwable> action)
Convert an error to a success or different error.default Operation
Operation. next(Operation operation)
default Operation
Operation. next(Block operation)
static Operation
Operation. noop()
static Operation
Operation. of(Block block)
default <E extends Throwable>
OperationOperation. onError(Class<E> errorType, Action<? super E> errorHandler)
Specifies the action to take if the an error of the given type occurs trying to perform the operation.default Operation
Operation. onError(Action<? super Throwable> onError)
Operation. onError(Predicate<? super Throwable> predicate, Action<? super Throwable> errorHandler)
Specifies the action to take if the an error occurs performing the operation that the given predicate applies to.static Operation
Blocking. op(Block block)
default Operation
Promise. operation()
Converts this promise to an operation, by effectively discarding the result.default Operation
Promise. operation(Action<? super T> action)
Converts this promise to an operation which is effectivelyaction
.static Operation
Execution. sleep(Duration duration)
Creates a sleep operation.default Operation
Operation. wiretap(Action<? super Optional<? extends Throwable>> action)
Methods in ratpack.exec with parameters of type Operation Modifier and Type Method Description default Promise<T>
Promise. close(Operation closer)
, but allows async close operations.default Operation
Operation. next(Operation operation)
default void
ExecStarter. start(Operation operation)
Starts the execution, and executes the given operation.Method parameters in ratpack.exec with type arguments of type Operation Modifier and Type Method Description default Operation
Promise. flatOp(Function<? super T,? extends Operation> function)
Converts this promise to an operation, which is the return offunction
.static Operation
Operation. flatten(Factory<Operation> factory)
Create an operation that delegates to another operation.default Promise<T>
Promise. nextOp(Function<? super T,? extends Operation> function)
Executes the operation returned by the given function.default Promise<T>
Promise. nextOpIf(Predicate<? super T> predicate, Function<? super T,? extends Operation> function)
Executes the operation returned by the given function, if it satisfies the predicate.default <O> O
Operation. to(Function<? super Operation,? extends O> function)
Uses of Operation in ratpack.exec.util
Methods in ratpack.exec.util that return Operation Modifier and Type Method Description Operation
Batch. forEach(BiAction<? super Integer,? super T> consumer)
Processes the promises of the batch, stopping at the first error, emitting results to the given callback.Operation
ParallelBatch. forEach(BiAction<? super Integer,? super T> consumer)
Processes the promises of the batch, stopping at the first error, emitting results to the given callback.Operation
SerialBatch. forEach(BiAction<? super Integer,? super T> consumer)
Processes the promises of the batch, stopping at the first error, emitting results to the given callback. -
Uses of Operation in ratpack.jdbctx
Methods in ratpack.jdbctx that return Operation Modifier and Type Method Description Operation
Transaction. begin()
Starts a transaction.Operation
Transaction. commit()
Commits the transaction, or pops the most recent savepoint off the stack.Operation
Transaction. rollback()
Initiates a transaction rollback.Operation
Transaction. wrap(Operation operation)
Decorates the given operation in a transaction boundary.Methods in ratpack.jdbctx with parameters of type Operation Modifier and Type Method Description Operation
Transaction. wrap(Operation operation)
Decorates the given operation in a transaction boundary. -
Uses of Operation in ratpack.reactor
Methods in ratpack.reactor with parameters of type Operation Modifier and Type Method Description static Flux<Void>
ReactorRatpack. flux(Operation operation)
Uses of Operation in ratpack.rx2
Methods in ratpack.rx2 with parameters of type Operation Modifier and Type Method Description static Completable
RxRatpack. complete(Operation operation)
Converts aOperation
into aCompletable
. -
Uses of Operation in ratpack.session
Methods in ratpack.session that return Operation Modifier and Type Method Description default Operation
Session. clear()
A convenience shorthand forSessionData.clear()
.default Operation
Session. remove(Class<?> type)
A convenience shorthand forSessionData.remove(Class)
.default Operation
Session. remove(String name)
A convenience shorthand forSessionData.remove(String)
.default Operation
Session. remove(SessionKey<?> key)
A convenience shorthand forSessionData.remove(SessionKey)
SessionStore. remove(io.netty.util.AsciiString sessionId)
Removes the session data for the given id.Operation
Session. save()
Persists the session data.default Operation
SessionData. save()
.default <T> Operation
Session. set(Class<T> type, T value)
A convenience shorthand forSessionData.set(Class, Object)
.default <T> Operation
Session. set(Class<T> type, T value, SessionSerializer serializer)
A convenience shorthand forSessionData.set(Class, Object, SessionSerializer)
.default <T> Operation
Session. set(String name, T value)
A convenience shorthand forSessionData.set(String, Object)
.default <T> Operation
Session. set(String name, T value, SessionSerializer serializer)
A convenience shorthand forSessionData.set(String, Object, SessionSerializer)
.default <T> Operation
Session. set(SessionKey<T> key, T value)
A convenience shorthand forSessionData.set(SessionKey, Object)
.default <T> Operation
Session. set(SessionKey<T> key, T value, SessionSerializer serializer)
A convenience shorthand forSessionData.set(SessionKey, Object, SessionSerializer)
.default <T> Operation
Session. set(T value)
A convenience shorthand forSessionData.set(Object)
.default <T> Operation
Session. set(T value, SessionSerializer serializer)
A convenience shorthand forSessionData.set(Object, SessionSerializer)
SessionStore. store(io.netty.util.AsciiString sessionId, io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf sessionData)
Writes the session data for the given id.Operation
Session. terminate()
Terminates the session and session id.default Operation
SessionData. terminate()
. -
Uses of Operation in ratpack.test.exec
Methods in ratpack.test.exec with parameters of type Operation Modifier and Type Method Description default void
ExecHarness. execute(Operation operation)
static void
ExecHarness. executeSingle(Operation operation)
Method parameters in ratpack.test.exec with type arguments of type Operation Modifier and Type Method Description default void
ExecHarness. execute(Action<? super RegistrySpec> registry, Function<? super Execution,? extends Operation> function)
default void
ExecHarness. execute(Function<? super Execution,? extends Operation> function)
static void
ExecHarness. executeSingle(Action<? super RegistrySpec> registry, Function<? super Execution,? extends Operation> function)
static void
ExecHarness. executeSingle(Function<? super Execution,? extends Operation> function)