Version 0.9.4
Released on 2014-05-01.
The 0.9.4 release brings many internal, and some external, changes.
The majority of the work has gone into restructuring and formalising the execution control mechanisms. This opens the door for non request handling work to share the same asynchronous execution control mechanisms.
This release also saw the introduction of core support for a HTTP client. The HTTP client shares the same Netty event loop (i.e. thread pool) as the HTTP server, which yields better throughput and efficiency. The docs on the HTTP client are minimal at this stage, but you can see example usage in the example-books sample project.
0.9.4 also contains some internal optimizations that make all Ratpack apps a little faster. We hope you enjoy it.
-- Team Ratpack
Pull Requests (0)
Resolved Issues (15)
- [272] - Make it possible to use the execution infrastructure (i.e. blocking/promises) outside of request handling
- [284] - Add methods to Chain for adding registries
- [285] - Resolve sporadic deadlock in site/manual link crawling test
- [286] - Add a notFound() method to Chain, that adds a 404 handler.
- [289] - Add sugar for Action<Chain> implementations
- [293] - Support executing with no base dir
- [294] - Rename LaunchConfigFactory to LaunchConfigs
- [298] - InjectionHandler should support protected and package protected handle methods
- [299] - Add simpler version of ClosureBackedEmbeddedApplication
- [302] - Upgrade to RxJava 0.17.2
- [303] - Upgrade pac4j used by ratpack-pac4j to 1.5.0
- [305] - Replace “background” terminology with “blocking”
- [306] - Rx support should not require error handlers when subscribing
- [307] - pac4j: Better support for multiple client types
- [308] - Registry lookups for generic/complex types